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STUDENT AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT HEAD FATMA PINARBAŞ BAYKAL E-mail: fatma.baykal@ihu.edu.tr Phone: 0212 692 02 12 / 1119

The Student Affairs Department is the unit that carries out all academic procedures of students at our University in accordance with the relevant legislation. Student Affairs follows the academic processes from registration to graduation and ensures that the necessary information and documents are filed and archived in an accurate, secure, organized and comprehensive manner. It ensures that education and training processes function in a healthy manner, that students and academicians are informed and directed to the appropriate units in line with their needs. Contributes to the improvement of institutional quality by providing fast, accurate and transparent service to students.

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FATMA PINARBAŞ BAYKAL STUDENT AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT HEAD E-mail: fatma.baykal@ihu.edu.tr Phone: 0212 692 02 12 /1119
YUNUS ALİ EROL MANAGER E-mail: yunusali.erol@ihu.edu.tr Phone: 0212 692 02 12 /1472
EMEL GÜNER SENIOR EXPERT E-mail: emel.guner@ihu.edu.tr Phone: 0212 692 02 12 /1161
ERDOĞAN DERECİ SENIOR EXPERT E-mail: erdogan.dereci@ihu.edu.tr Phone: 0212 692 02 12 /1163
ELİF İLİKHAN EXPERT E-mail: elif.ilikhan@ihu.edu.tr Phone: 0212 692 02 12 /1129
BEYZA BATIRCA ASSISTANT EXPERT E-mail: beyza.batirca@ihu.edu.tr Phone: 0212 692 02 12 /1147
BÜŞRA NUR KARAKOÇ ASSISTANT EXPERT E-mail: busrakarakoc@ihu.edu.tr Phone: 0212 692 02 12 /1475
EBRAR LEVENT ASSISTANT EXPERT E-mail: ebrar.levent@ihu.edu.tr Phone: 0212 692 02 12 /1476
İLKNUR YEŞİLAY ASSISTANT EXPERT E-mail: ilknur.yesilay@ihu.edu.tr Phone: 0212 692 02 12 /1290
ŞEYDA NUR ŞİŞMAN ASSISTANT EXPERT E-mail: seyda.sisman@ihu.edu.tr Phone: 0212 692 02 12 /1187
ZEHRA KIR ASSISTANT EXPERT E-mail: zehra.kir@ihu.edu.tr Phone: 0212 692 02 12 /1243
ZEHRA NUR AKCI ASSISTANT EXPERT E-mail: zehra.akci@ihu.edu.tr Phone: 0212 692 02 12 /1247